Tuesday, January 29, 2008

PADSS- endo

Hi everyone,for those who use a scoring system such as PADSS for endo pts, are you doing 2 vital sign checks on gastro pts if they return fully awake?


PACU and Day surgery

Friday, January 18, 2008

IV meds in phase II areas

Does anyone give IV narcotics / antiemetics in their Day surgery to postop pts, and what monitoring do they receive? Our Day surgery staff do not currently give IV meds, as they feel the pt would require to have oxygen saturation and monitored for HR and B/P continuously while receiving these IV meds.


Sharon Peabody BN RN
Saint John New Brunswick


Sharon BN RN
Saint John New Brunswick

Friday, January 4, 2008

Protocols- colonosopy /bronch

I am wondering if anyone has any policies on Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, Esophagoscopy or Enucleation.


Recovery room layouts- designed for optimal visibility

Do any of you know of a PACU for OR patients, or other type of patients (i.e. Labour & delivery), where the layout is anything other than open concept with drapes between the stretcher bays?


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pt. Transfers from PACU

How many staff transport the patient? 2 staff
Who transfers the patient? 2 unit aides that work in PACU exclusively
Are there different policies for transfer to Same Day Surgery units (following GA) than for in patient units? Generally no, the pts must meet d/c criteria. An RN attends transfers for monitored pts and paeds.
How is transfer of care report given? By phone, unless ICU/step down/or paeds pt
If the nurse does not transfer the patient, are there specific criteria that must be met prior to transport by non-professional? Must meet d/c criteria, bromage score of 0, pain and nausea controlled.
Any comments/suggestions wil be appreciated.
Daphne Whalen-Brake RN,BN
Clinical Educator SDC,PAC,PARR,
St.Clare's & General Sites,
Eastern Health,