Monday, September 8, 2008

Visitation in PACU

Do you have standards or info on parental visitation in the PACU. We are developing a policy, but find there is little info available to review . Your help and guidance would beappreciated.



OPANA Ontario Perianesthesia Nurses Association said...

Hi Cathy,
a range of practices are in place in different hospitals regarding visitation in Phase I recovery.
ASPAN has a position statement which outlines 4 points.

1. Pts/visitors receive education about visitation to ensure safety and a good experience. (i.e. informed that 1 visitory only at a time, they may only be able to stay for a short period dependent upon the acuity of the unit).
2. Confidentiality of all pts is maintained.
3. The timing of the visit is appropriate for the pt, visitor and staff. (i.e. visits can occur when the pt is awake, comfortable, stable, no adverse events occuring with pt or adjacent pts).
4. Perianesthesia nurses and management work together to develop visitation policies.

Heather Ead

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