Thursday, November 8, 2007

Transfer Checklist

Has anyone yet implemented a transfer checklist in their PACU's for transfer to the inpatient unit? Who checks off the checklist? What parameters are included in your checklist?

We are attempting to design a checklist but are getting "blogged" down. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Patients bypassing the PACU

What types of patients do you take to the Day Surgery unit from the OR and bypass the PACU? Does it depend on the type of surgery, patient or anesthetic? Does your hospital have a policy for this? What is this called?

Welcome to OPANA's new Blog!

Hello PeriAnesthesia Nurses:

This is Paula Ferguson, President of OPANA and you are reading my message to all of you from our new Blog!

Please use this site liberally and frequently to discuss PeriAnesthesia issues. Your colleagues from across the province can also use it to submit their ideas and solutions to assist you.

The members of the Executive and Board of Directors will "blog-on" frequently to monitor and guide the discussions so if you have a question specifically for OPANA, please start with : "Ask OPANA", then continue with your question(s). It may be a question that we will print in our newsletter, the "Monitor", or it may be that you want to answer a question that we have printed in our "Ask OPANA" section. Either way, please blog away and see where it takes you.

On behalf of the entire association I welcome you to our blog, and enjoy the discussions!

P.S. Just a reminder that your membership for 2008 OPANA is soon due. Please don't forget to visit our "membership" section before you leave our website to join OPANA again! Talk to you later!