Tuesday, June 17, 2008

discharge home from PACU

Do the current standards provide support to deter the discharge home ofpatients directly from the PACU? We recently had a situation where the nightnurse was put in a position of discharging an elderly patient at midnight toher home post a general anesthetic for a fracture after falling.Thank you in advance for your feedback.


1 comment:

OPANA Ontario Perianesthesia Nurses Association said...

Standard 4 (documentation)indicates that a discharge score will be utilized for phase I and II. It is up to the institution to develop protocols around acceptable discharge scores and other criteria.
The pt you refer to may not have scored well using a common phase II scoring system (the post anesthesia scoring system), in regards to her ability to ambulate safely, or in regards to her BP returning to preop range.
As advocates for pts, we are also responsible to revise the plan of care as needed in response to the patient's status (see standard 7; evaluation).
Thank you for your inquiry,
Heather Ead