Tuesday, March 11, 2008

monitoring- frequency

How frequently do you monitor vitals for pts receiving IV or Epidural analgesia?


OPANA Ontario Perianesthesia Nurses Association said...

AT RVH, our routine is:
1. Intrathecal (Epimorph):
* Resp rate and sedation score monitored q30min x2
* then q1h x12 hrs
* then q4h until d/c

Vital signs monitored:
q1h x2, then q2h x2, then q4h until d/c

2. PCA Analgesia:
Resp rate and sedation score monitored:
* q30 min x2
* then q1h x12
* then q4h until PCA d/c
Vital signs:
* q1h x2
* then q2h x2
* then q4h until PCA d/c

3. Epidural (continuous)
*Resp rate and sedation score q15 min x1 (then q1h x12, then q2h)
* motor & sensory block checked q1h x2 (then q2h x2, then q4h)
* Vitals and pain score q15 min x1hr (then q1h x2, then q2h x5
* Vital signs and pain score q15 min x1 hour

Anonymous said...

At Eastern Health Adult sites, the corporate policy states the following (which is intended for all post operative monitoring):

Epidural or Intrathecal Single bolus of narcotic:

RR Q1h x4 if Fentanyl or Sufentanil
Q1h x1 if Lidocaine

RR Q1h
Sedation scale Q1h, Q4h while asleep.

L.A. Bolus: B/P, Pulse & RR
Q5min x4
Q1h x4 if Bupivocaine or Ropivocaine,
Q1h X1 check if Lidocaine.
Dermantome and motor Q1h (Q4h if asleep).

L.A infusion (with or without narcotic) B/B Pulse, RR Q1h.
Dermatome and motor check Q1h (q4h while asleep).

For PCA B/P and pulse Q4h.
